
Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs 日本語訳8

※この記事には、Amnesia: A Machine for Pigsのネタバレが含まれています。未プレイの方はご注意ください。


October 22nd 1899
Naturally, once bled, the product must be scalded, dehaired and scraped ready for gambrolling and evisceration. For this, we pass them through the steam reservoir, which is kept at a constant temperature by passing excess high-pressure venting from the engines, via the boiler and series of large copper pipes, into a stone chamber just below the workhouse. At the centre of the machine, there is a component that must be kept at a consistently low temperature, which controls operations of the processing of product throughout the system. Alongside this, refrigeration is of the utmust importance in retaining product quality, and this also requires heat to be removed from certain areas of the machine. Two problems are therefore combined into a single solution: the removal of heat from some areas and requirements for increased heat in others.

Conducting panels draw heat using the principles of convection regulated by the boiler and sending freezing air along one set of pipes in one direction, and super-heated vapours in another. ※



Isn't it dangerous allowing this filthy discharge to collect so close to the core?
We can use the flow to drive the turbines. There will always be a torrent of excreta flooding through these tunnels. We can use this to supplement the steam production and ensure constancy.
Dear God, the stench. This faecal matter is the true product of the age.


The Flooded Tunnels
My mysterious friend is correct, the sewers are indeed flooded. To descend further I will have to find the local sluice pumps to drop the water levels. The smell is almost unbearable, it makes me gag. Why should the saboteur have flooded the tunnels through? What did he hope to achieve?


Faster Mandus. Drain the waters, open the way to the bilge pumps. We are waiting for you.


August 1st 1899
Several of the older forms have breached their containment area and escaped into the sewers. They remind me of my limitations - this is no Chelm and I am no Eliyahu, at least, not quite yet. It is the heat generated from keeping the doorway between open that is to blame. We cannot simply pack them about with coolant as we do at the centre where the doorway is. The later versions are kept safe by the freezing temperature of those towers. Up here, where the air is hot and fetid, they become overheated, and their duality tears them asunder, as the other place flies from their cells and their vitae splinters. They live sporadically, torn from one world to the other and back again in violent, unpredictable bursts. For a few seconds they are creatures of this world, then they are torn away and cease to have physical form. This vicious ripping back and forth between worlds has driven them quite insane. I have ordered the affected areas sealed, and will not allow my loyal workers to enter. These are damned places now, the abode of failed experiments, ghosts of fear and spite.


But we can save them, we can set them free. We can replace a rotten old world with a clean new one!
Mr Mandus, you sound every bit the fanatic.
Well how can I be otherwise, Professor? How can any man of ethics simply stand by and watch this world drown in its own excrement?
And your engineer, this visionary with whom you have embarked upon this course, does he share you views?
Indeed he does, indeed he does. The poor fellow has seen it all before. Now this is not the first great civilization he has wept for.
And so you set about things immediately upon your return?
Naturally, naturally. These things cannot be left to rot upon the tree. And sponsors were remarkably easy to find. I tell you Professor, a trail of greed brings rich men to your door, like pigs to truffles.


February 17th 1899
And I said, look, my darlings, can you see it? And they said Yes, Daddy. Yes, we see it. A tall, weathered cap of a steep sided pyramid, so like those of Eygpt. Stone falling away from the summit, vines crawing about interwining the stucco serpents that thrive about the steps. A palpable sense of stillness, a weight of forgotten. And this, here, this is where the king sat. And this is where the priests lived. This house, this is the house of the dead. And here, where the sun strikes, this is where they threw the hearts that were not consumed.

No, my darlings, they most certainly were not savages. You see, they believed that the sky could fall on their heads and they truly, truly believed that offering blood was the only way of stopping this from happening.

Perhaps, my darling. Perhaps they were mistaken altogether. Or perhaps their tragedy was they could simply not spill blood enough to prevent the sky from falling in upon them.




Mandus, postdiluvian
That's done it! Now I can enter the strange decontamination chamber once again and move onwards! The waters are pushed back, making the way to the bilge clear, where I can divert the remainder of this filthy torrent back into the Thames where it belongs and clear the path to the centre of the machine.


That's it Papa! You're so near now!


A Nest of Wretches
Dear God, a whole nest of these foul creatures… no mind, my instincts have drawn me thus far and I am sure somewhere in this dank complex is a means of further descent. I will not see their faces as they go about their dark business. And yet… and yet, I watch them sleep and eat and play and they are so very human, so very childlike. And I will not think of what I have seen, of the chairs and the cages, and I will not think of how such monsters may be scuplted.


From Tide to Spine
He placed his head in the vice and spun the wheel until the skull cracked and the thoughts leaked onto his shoes. It relieved the pressure for a while, but it soon returned.


From Tide to Spine
And who is that third, that shadow, that spirit child in the background? That barely formed, that changeling. That almost lived, that never missed.


From Tide to Spine
A skin of a shroud / a stump of the bled / old Lily is flyblown / old Lily is dead / and dreams of the jungle / will flood through her head / and light up her head.

シュラウドの皮 / 出血の切り株 / 老いたリリーは飛ばされ / 老いたリリーは死んで / ジャングルの夢が / 彼女の頭の中に溢れて / 彼女の頭を照らすだろう。

